Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

Happy New Year 2015!!!

Haloo everyone, happy new year 2015!! 

Oppa Lee Jong suk :*
How do you think about 2014? I can't believe that the time passed so quickly and now we're in 2015 already. I think in 2014, it is not my year. Because i don't feel so lucky, but i always be grateful about my life. I hope 2015 will be great and good for me.

Btw, here’s my wishes and dreams  in 2015:
  1. I must to be a religion in my life. Salat on time! Ya Allah, please forgive me.
  2. I have must a job again, cukup 3 bulan leha-leha di rumahnya!!! 
  3. I want to be in a good relationship with my boyfriend, and one step closer to be completely complete. hhhii.
  4. Lose my weight L , and be prettier J.
  5. Living happier and happier each day with my lovely family, boyfriend, friends, and anyone.

ok, thanks for read my posting. i hope all my wishes and dreams come true. 

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